A Message from Your Columbia Theatre on Covid-19

On behalf of the board and staff I wanted you to know that we are taking pre-cautions to mitigate the spread of the Covid 19 virus by following the guidelines provided by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and reinforced by the state of Washington. 

As Governor Jay Inslee stated recently:

We must all work together to stop the spread. You don't have to be a lawmaker
to be a leader
-- here's how you can keep yourself and others safe and

  1. Stay home if you're sick. I had a cough last week and I stayed home one day -- it's important. Your small cold could be someone else's hospital stay. Do yourself and everyone around you a favor and stay home.

  2. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, which is exactly as long as it takes
    to sing the choruses of Fleetwood Mac's "Landslide," Toto's "Africa," or "Happy Birthday" two times over.

  3. Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze, and ideally if you sneeze, try to
    sneeze into a tissue then throw away the tissue immediately.

  4. Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects (your phone, door knobs, countertops, etc.).

  5. Don't touch your eyes and face -- this is a tough one, but an important one.

  6. Consider the necessity of attending large gatherings. I encourage everyone to give consideration to attending the non-essential congregations of people. This will help prevent the spread of the virus.

  7. Follow the guidance of your local public health office. Local jurisdictions may be providing additional guidance and I encourage you to listen and adhere to their recommendations.

Once again, on behalf of the board and staff of the Columbia Theatre, we will continue to do all we can to make your visit a safe and enjoyable one.

Thank you.

Gian Paul Morelli

Executive Director

Sabrina Rosas