Capital Campaign Donors
Marne Berry and Ken Botero
Lois J. Brudi-Conrod and James H. Conrod
Elaine and Bud Cockrell
Rich Coleman
Donald A. Correll
Cowlitz Public Facilities District
Evans Kelly Family Foundation
Fibre Federal Credit Union
Larry and Penny Fox
David and Valorie Futcher
Richard and Linda Gamble
Dorothy Gevers-Wojtowych
Columbia Theatre Guild
Helen Gundlach
Arlene Hubble
JH Kelly
Teri and Mike Karnofski
Kinsman Foundation
Robert and Pauline Kirchner
The Kirchner Foundation
Richard and Susie Kirkpatrick
Sarah Koss
Norm and Denise Krehbiel
Joan Landau
Cal and Sue Lantz
Joanna Broderick Lee and Tom Lee
In Honor of Chuck Martin
David and Veronika Minthorn
Dawn and Joe Morgan
Howard and Eileen Nagle
Jeanne O’Connor
Dr. and Mrs. Milford S. Ofstun
Jane Pence
PJ Peterson and Stephen Jones
Kelly Ragsdale
Retha Porter
The Roth Family
Pat Sari
Jim and Cheryl Stonier
Dean and Debra Takko
Judith Wilson
The Wollenberg Foundation
Sharon and Mark Zimmerman